Capitalising on Renewable Energy Policies in the European Union

Client: Scandinavian Renewable Energy Investment Fund


With the European Union's Green Deal and its aggressive targets to reduce carbon emissions by 55% by 2030, the client—a Scandinavian investment fund—wanted to assess the viability of investing in large-scale solar and wind energy projects in Southern Europe. The challenge was identifying which countries and regions would most likely benefit from upcoming funding allocations, tax incentives, and regulatory support for renewable energy development.


Alpine Strategic employed its AI platform to analyse the EU’s renewable energy policies, mainly focusing on the NextGenerationEU recovery fund, which allocated €750 billion toward sustainable infrastructure projects. The AI processed data from various government and EU publications, energy market trends, and grid capacity reports to pinpoint regions with the most significant growth potential for renewable energy investments.

The analysis focused on Spain, Greece, and Portugal, where favourable climates, abundant land for solar farms, and government incentives created significant opportunities. Additionally, a team of renewable energy experts provided insights into grid modernisation initiatives and potential regulatory barriers in these regions, ensuring the client had a clear view of the risks and opportunities.


The report indicated that Spain and Greece were positioned for exponential growth in solar energy production, driven by substantial EU funding and national incentives. The client moved forward with a €200 million investment in solar farms across both countries, with projected 10-12% annual returns over the next five years. Within the first year, energy production from these projects increased by 18%, placing the client at the forefront of Southern Europe’s renewable energy transformation.

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